Board Meeting started at 1:30 PM on 11/27/17
George & Linda Johnson
Teena Scott
Betty Howells
Thela Stepp
Dave & Shirley England
Rosemary Sanders
New Business:
- Install Doors - back room and front to create storage areas for Rummage Sale & Christmas Bazaar items.
- Build Sign - Purchase Marque Letters
- Door Sign - letting people know that the entrance is on the side of the building
- Order checks from the bank
- Re-key the PO Box because we need 2 keys. We only have one.
- Open side door to the storage room. Close off the door into the eating area.
Nominations for Board Chairs:
Chair: Thela Stepp
Co-Chair: Teena Scott
Secretary: Linda Johnson
Treasurer: Betty Howells
Members at Large: Dave & Shirley England, Rosemary Sanders
Old Business:
- Checking account in Yelm, Betty will move the balance from Olympia account and close that account.
- Insurance change is complete - Mutual Life
- 501-c3 paperwork updated.
- Property Tax - Due in April
- We earned $1216.00 from our Christmas Bazaar, so far. There were some sales today.
- We are having a Cookie Exchange on December 9th at 1 PM, along with a white elephant gift exchange and donations of one can of food to the Senior Center Food Bank for our members.
- We received donations for our Rummage Sale this spring from an estate sale.
- The Rainier Emergency Food Center is donating 2 turkeys to the Senior Center this week.
Next Meeting will be December 19th.
Treasurer's Report will be in December due to the bank change.