Saturday, September 7, 2024

Senior Driving Class September 25, 2024


There will be a senior driving class held on Wednesday, September 25th from 9:00 AM to

3:30 PM at the Rainier Senior Center. The cost of the class is $15.00. One of the benefits of

this class is that you will be given a certificate at the end of the class that will give you a 5 to 10

percent discount over a two to three year period on your automobile insurance. This class

is endorsed by the Washington Traffic Safety Education Association (WTSEA), the Washington

Traffic Safety Commission (WTSC), American Automobile Association (AAA) and The

Department of Licensing(DOL).

You must be 55 years old or older to take this class. A "no host" lunch will be available.

The instructor is Gerald Apple who has taught Traffic Safety Education in the Public Schools for 

fifty four years and also provides the DOL written and road tests in several commercial schools. 

Last year he was named the national Traffic Safety Education Teacher of the Year by ADTSEA 

(American Driver Training Safety Education Association). He was president of this association in 

1997. Plus, he is the coordinating Secretary of WTSEA and is currently serving on the ADTSEA 

board of directors

The topics covered in this class are texting and driving and other new TSE laws, driving in bad

weather, handling emergencies, freeway driving, stop positions, reference points, what

to do in case of a collision, road rage, drowsy driving, roundabouts, new traffic signals, head

checks, parking maneuvers, insurance, prescription drugs, new vehicle technology and

other topics.

We have two guest speakers: One from the Washington State Patrol and the other from

Operation Lifesaver (Railroad Safety).  

The contact information for Gerald Apple:  

  • Phone 360-480-5330 and his 
  • email address: 

Please register at the Senior Center of Rainier - 360-446-2258

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Rainier Pickin'Party '24 Thank you


Rainier Pickin' Party '24

It's done. The 30th Rainier Pickin' Party is over. Who would have thought that such a hot and sunny festival season would have produced an honest to goodness stereotypical Pacific NW weekend? Despite the damp, it went well. Thanks to hard-core campers, and the general public's attendance, I would consider the weekend a success.

For those of you who don't know, the festival was started by Art and Char Runyan and the Rainier Lions but, with the Lions' disbanding a few years ago, is now put on by We Love Rainier, WA (WLRWA). Free admission and low camping fees are made possible through volunteers and the generous donation of time and talent by the bands and MC. The bands don't leave empty-handed, however. They are handsomely rewarded with wooden nickels redeemable for hamburgers. This year, using grant money, band members also got a T shirt. Those braving the open mic received the traditional Snickers bars. Let me know if you would like to play next year, we had three bands lined up by the week's end.

Of course there are many others involved, including the sound, stage and WLRWA volunteers. In addition to the usual jamming and shows, there were food vendors, a corn feed and the Sunday gospel show. A short walk away, in town, other activities included the Roundup Days parade, craft market and street dance.

As in years past, performances were recorded by The Right Country, KYLM, Yelm and will soon be available at Information about the Rainer festival, a list of NW bluegrass festivals and other info can be found at
So, a big thanks to you all for making the festival possible.

Remember to mark the fourth weekend of August on next year's calendar and, when offered a wooden nickel, consider taking it.
See you at Rainier next year.
David Wuller

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

September 2024 Lunch Menu

 Menus are subject to change...

BINGO will be held on the 4th Monday and the Board Meeting on the 5th Monday.  (It will be

the 3rd and 4th Mondays we meet during September 2024).  Thank you!

First Responders Potluck BBQ 2024

 This event is to say thank you to all the 1st Responders of Thurston County. 

I would be nice if you could bring a side dish but it is not necessary. 

This is not a political event.

Tenino Community Service Center Dinner

Tenino Community Service Center


The Senior Center of Rainier is supported by the Tenino Community Service Center.
We receive a lot of food from them, which helps our meals to be affordable.  There
will be raffles and FUN!
Please support the TCSC!