Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Timberland Library Computer Help

 Several people have asked about computer classes for Senior Citizens, so we contacted Timberland Library and received the following information about computer "Drop-in Tech Help" that they offer in Montesano and Olympia.

They offer online classes as well:

Hi Linda, 

Each of our branch librarians have the option to set up a 1-hour appointment with patrons to help them with their computer needs-you'd just need to call or come in and schedule it.  Some branches also have drop-in hours where volunteers will help with specific questions (frequently called Teen Tech Tutors). We've also got some basic online computer classes available with your library card through Northstar Learning, Digital Learn,  or Universal Class, though you would need a computer and proficient skills to navigate to the website. 

I can bring along a chrome book on my next visit and help someone get started on the online classes. If you have a whole group that is interested, I could ask a librarian from a neighboring branch if they are available to come out and do a class. I'll try and find a list of the drop-in Tech Tutor times and locations to print out before my next visit! 

Amoreena Harpole (she/her)
Anywhere Library Specialist--Thurston County

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