Board Meeting started at 1:00 PM on 2/19/18
Board of Directors:
Co-Chair: Thela Stepp
Co-Chair: Teena Scott
Treasurer: Betty Howells
Secretary/Co-Treasurer: Linda Johnson
Members at Large:
Dave England
Shirley England
George Johnson
Olive Vincent
Board Members Attending:
George Johnson
Linda Johnson
Teena Scott
Betty Howells
Thela Stepp
Dave England
Shirley England
Board Members Absent:
Olive Vincent
Members Present:
Sue Watson
Kevin Watson
Angela Denman
Nadine Whitlock
The agenda was read by everyone. George Johnson moved to approve the agenda. Thela Stepps Seconded the motion. The agenda was unanimously approved as distributed.
The minutes for the previous meeting were read by everyone. George Johnson moved to approve the minutes. Thela Stepp seconded the motion. The minutes for December 2017 & January 2018 meetings were unanimously approved as distributed.
Treasurer's Report:
Betty Howells submitted the Treasurer’s Report for the last month. Details of the savings andchecking accounts were discussed in detail.
We received a flyer in the mail about a trip to Mount Rushmore. It will be scanned and posted on our blog.
Property Taxes: We received our property tax statement last week, showing taxes are due April 30, 2018.
New Business:
Put events into the calendar with the menu. March 17, 2018 we will have an “Easter Sale” from 10 AM - 2 PM. Volunteer sign up sheets will be at the front desk.
Workers from the City’s Public Works Department will come in and grade our parking lot. We will ask Ron and his crew if they can do this on a monthly or bi-monthly basis, to keep it nice and make it easier for the seniors to walk in the parking lot.
George & Linda Johnson will make a new sign for the Senior Center. The size will be
4’ x 4’.
Old Business:
The cookbook is coming along. Angela mentioned needing some “history of Rainier” articles in the cookbook. We’ll contact Karen Creamer from the Rainier Historical Society and ask her for articles, pictures and information about Rainier to add to our cookbook. Over 100 pages of the scrapbook have been scanned and are in digital files, so selected pictures and articles about he Senior Center will be added to our cookbook. We have almost 70 recipes, so far, with many people who’ve committed to bringing in their recipes. So far we have many people who want to order cookbooks, too. Our goal is to have it ready by April to be online in digital and print on demand.The cookbook is coming along. Angela mentioned needing some “history of Rainier” articles in the cookbook. We’ll contact Karen Creamer from the Rainier Historical Society and ask her for articles, pictures and information about Rainier to add to our cookbook. Over 100 pages of the scrapbook have been scanned and are in digital files, so selected pictures and articles about he Senior Center will be added to our cookbook. We have almost 70 recipes, so far, with many people who’ve committed to bringing in their recipes. So far we have many people who want to order cookbooks, too. Our goal is to have it ready by April to be online in digital and print on demand.
Old Business that was tabled until next meeting.
- Door Sign - letting people know that the entrance is on the side of the building
- Open side door to the storage room. Close off the door into the eating area.
George Johnson motioned to adjourn the meeting. LInda Johnson seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.Meeting was adjourned at 1:49PM by Thela Stepp. The next general meeting will be at 1 PMon March 19, 2018.
Minutes submitted by: _______________________
Approved by: ________________________
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