Saturday, May 20, 2017

USPS Food Drive 2017

Monday, the Rainier Senior Center received a call from the local Post Office asking George (who regularly picks up and delivers food to the food bank) to pick up the food donated by local citizens.  Although we were all just getting ready to play BINGO, he ran to the Post Office and picked up the food.  Since it was raining, we all pitched in and quickly unloaded the truck and took the food inside.  Even with all the helping hands, we were still late starting BINGO.  

George had to move something else out of the Senior Center Monday and was working at the Tumwater Farmers Market on Wednesday.  The people at the Senior Center took the food to the Food Bank Wednesday after lunch.  WOW!

A very special "THANK YOU" goes out to everyone who donated food to the USPS Food Drive! The food collection was shared with many hungry people in Rainier.  Many people benefited from your generous donations.   

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